Meet & Greet

Thursday, October 17th
After a hard day of barn hunt, nose work, and dog showing, join us for a scrumptious Mexican buffet (cash bar)

Friday Afternoon, October 18, 2019, Crystal Ballroom in the Galveston Hilton 2:45-6:00 pm
Dr. Battaglia is a renowned researcher, lecturer, AKC judge of over 40 breeds, and author, with articles appearing in magazines around the world. He has served on numerous AKC committees and was involved in creating their DNA program.
This seminar includes and combines the principles of structure and movement and how to code structure the faults and virtues in pedigrees.
Topics will include the following and more:
The principles of movement standing and in motion
How to analyze and code the Stick Dog pedigrees for the seven structural parts of a dog
The parallel movement on the same side of the body
Traveling in the same plane
Two straight columns of support
Single tracking
Correct crops and tail sets
Lay-back and lay-in of shoulders
The following items are for pick-up during Nationals weekend. Please bring Paypal receipt.