MBT Care
Good news! Miniature Bull Terriers are pretty easy in the grooming department.
A Mini’s fur is short and coarse. As the breed standard states, “The coat should be short, flat and harsh to the touch with a fine gloss.” Generally, all you need to do is brush your Mini weekly to keep him clean, remove dead hair, and distribute natural oils that keep his coat shiny.
Minis do shed heavily twice a year, in spring and fall. When that happens, daily brushing will help keep all that extra fur under control and help the new coat grow in well. Regular brushing also helps your Mini’s skin by stimulating blood flow.
Basic Brushing
You’ll need a bristle brush, a fine-tooth comb, and a grooming glove — the kind with little rubber nibs.
Use the bristle brush first. Start at the head and work your way down the dog’s body, ending with the hind flanks and tail. Be gentle, but thorough!
Then bring out the comb, using long strokes to keep removing loose hair.
Finish with the grooming glove. You should see lots of dog hair on the grooming table (or the carpet) and a nice shiny dog in front of you!
If your dog’s fur or skin is dry, spritz on a little conditioning spray. Or go all-natural and rub on a bit of coconut oil.
Unless your Mini rolls in something dirty or smelly (which is not unlikely!), you won’t have to bathe her very often — every three months is fine. Use a mild dog shampoo, preferably a hypoallergenic one since Minis tend to have sensitive skin. Rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of soap. (If your Mini did get into the mud, use a bristle brush to remove dirt first.)
Brush my dog’s teeth? Well, yes. Your dog’s teeth get tartar buildup, just like yours. Caring for your dog’s teeth at least weekly can avoid a professional veterinary cleaning, which is not only expensive, but also is done under sedation.
Click here to learn how to brush your dog’s teeth.
Many dog owners fear trimming their dogs’ nails, but it’s one of the most important parts of canine hygiene. Long nails tap on the ground as the dog walks, putting pressure on the toe joint or even pushing the toe to one side — painful either way. They also mess with the dog’s sense of terrain, which can affect how she uses her hind legs. Over time, that can lead to weak, sore hindquarters.
Click here to see how to trim your dog’s nails.
Ears and Eyes
Check your Mini’s ears weekly (right after brushing is a good time). Look for excess wax buildup and any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or bad odors coming from the ear. If you see buildup of wax or dirt, clean it out gently with cotton balls (not swabs!). Infections should be treated by a veterinarian.
Mini eyes are prone to buildup of discharge in the inner corners that many owners call “eye boogers.” Sometimes they are dry and crusty; sometimes they are moist and gooey. (Yuck.) As long as they aren’t smelly or pus-like and your dog’s eyes aren’t red or swollen, this is pretty normal. Wipe your dog’s eyes with a damp cloth, followed by a dry one.
If it’s any consolation, eye boogers plague other bully breeds, too.